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L K Ranch

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Prairie Winds Homestead
L K Ranch Paso Fino's
L K Ranch Tiger Horses

What is a Paso Fino?    L K Ranch horses.     Horses for sale.     2003 foals.

What is a Paso Fino?
    The Paso Fino horse is a distinctive breed which possesses a classic beauty and style uniquely its own.

    Thought by many to be the most exciting breed in America today, the Paso Fino is distinguished by its natural four beat gait, beautifully flowing mane and tail, graceful carriage and incredibly smooth ride.

    The Paso Fino is a horse for all seasons, a horse for all climates and a horse for many diverse purposes. From the Florida keys to Alaska - from southern Hawaii to Eastern Canada, the Paso Fino horse demonstrates its remarkable versatility - not just in the show ring, but on competitive trail and endurance rides, in dressage work, at barrel racing and gymkhana events, and back at the ranch working cattle. And, most important to hundreds of owners, the Paso Fino horse is unsurpassed as a pleasure horse and equine companion.

    With his remarkable intelligence and willing, responsive disposition the Paso Fino can be the first horse for a child - or the last horse for one's autumn years. And he may be the one horse that can bring the pleasure of horseback riding to the handicapped or disabled.

    This unique horse has been called "America's 500 year old new breed," since it was unknown in the United States until the late 1940's, but has been bred in Latin America since the days of the Conquistadors.

    The Paso Fino Horse is an athlete, and investment, and a family treasure.

    And he does it all with a natural gait that provides unparalleled comfort for the rider, a style that is unique to the breed, and unsurpassed versatility for the horse lover.

    More than 8000 years ago the Ice Age swept across America and changed the land . Many forms of life, including the horse, vanished or were driven to other parts of the world.

    So thousands of years later when Columbus discovered the New World he found a land without horses!

    The following year when Columbus returned to the new land he brought with him a new hardy horses and settled them at Santo Domingo. These horses were a mixture of Barb and Andalusian (both noted for their hardiness and stamina) and the Spanish Jennet which as known for its extremely comfortable saddle gait.

    Later explorers brought more horses and these, together with the original stock, were blended to produce a horse that was uniquely suited to the demands of the new land. These hardy horses could travel vast distances without tiring, and were easy keepers that maintained their stamina on the available vegetation. But most importantly, these horses possessed ad transmitted to their offspring a natural four beat gait that provided an extremely comfortable ride (a desirable trait to the explorers who spent numerous hours in the saddle!).

    Used as the foundation stock for remount stations of the Conquistadors, these hoses came to be known as Los Caballos de Paso Fino, "the horse with the fine walk."

    The American Paso Fino Horse reflects its Spanish heritage through its proud carriage, grace and elegance. In addition to being born with the natural ability to perform the Paso Fino gait, selective breeding has produced other basic qualities in today's Paso Fino horses.

    The Paso Fino horse is "people oriented," enjoying his human companions and striving to please. he is willing and spirited, but very gentle at hand and easily managed. His hooves ae extremely durable and he is seldom shod unless traveling on rocky surfaces. his large lung capacity gives him endurance, and he is naturally quick, sure-footed and athletic. Size varies, with the average being slightly over 14 hands. Every equine color can be found with or without white markings.

    paso Fino hoses have the ability to execute all natural equine gaits and can be taught to perform them on cue. But, because the Paso Fino gait is so comfortable and unique, most riders require the Paso Fino to move only in its own special gait under saddle.

    The American Paso Fino is born with a gait unique to the Breed. As a natural gait, it does not exhibit the catapulting or exaggerated leg action of man-made gaits: rather the movements are smooth, rhythmic, purposeful, straight, balanced in flexion and synchronous front to rear, resulting in unequaled comfort and smoothness for the rider. The American Paso Fino is a graceful, agile and supple equine athlete that uses all four legs with precision and harmony.

    The gait of the Paso Fino horse is an evenly spaced 4-beat lateral gait with each foot contacting the ground independently in a regular sequence at precise intervals creating a rapid, unbroken rhythm. Executed perfectly the four hoof beats are absolutely even in both cadence and impact. Footfall is in the same sequence as a natural equine walk, i.e., left rear, left fore, right rear, right fore. Propulsion is primarily from the hind limbs and the horse's motion is absorbed in its back and loins. The Paso Fino gait is performed at three forward speeds and with varying degrees of collection. In all speeds of the gait the rider should appear virtually motionless in the saddle, and there should be no perceptible up and down motion of the horse's croup.

    Executed fully collected, the forward speed is very slow, and the footfall is extremely rapid while the steps and extension re exceedingly short.
    Forward speed is moderate, ground-covering but unhurried, executed with medium extension and stride. Collection varies with class requirements.
    The fastest speed of the gait. The largo is executed with a longer extension and stride and varying degrees of collection. Forward speed varies with the individual horse, since each horse should attain its top speed in harmony with its own natural stride and cadence.

    In the United States emphasis has been placed on naturalness and any evidence of abusive training methods results in disqualification in the show ring. Whether executing the highly collected Classic Fino or the fully extended Largo the paso Fino's performance is a pleasure for both rider and observer. We invite you to experience the pleasure yourself.... for when it comes to elegance, comfort and performance, the Paso Fino Horse is the natural choice!

(Taken from a brochure by the Paso Fino Horse Association.)

What is a Paso Fino?    L K Ranch horses.     Horses for sale.     2003 foals.

L K Ranch horses.
My Paso Finos.

Corita                                    Ginger                                 Glory
         Corita de Vez                                                     Corista RoJa de Dakota                            Gloria de Dakota
(Coito X Muneca China de Vez)                 (Prole de Don Pepito X Corita de Vez)  (Campanero Ltd. X Realita del Prairie)

Sheena El Caballo Bayo                                             Fe Carismatic LK                                                 El Saltador LK
(Regalo de Dakota X Corista RoJa de Dakota)      (Ultralisto de Dakota X Cholita BRF)       (Ingenio X Bambina del Paraiso)
My Appaloosas.
Sully Tico Coaldrift             Joker's Crystal Light
(Sully Rebel Star X Tico's Snowdrift)   (Joker's Will X Joker's Lori Will)
             Eqully Spotted     Bright Blue Lady Sue
         (Call me King X Ziggys Second)   (Call Me King X Equally Evans)
    Spiders Star                                                          Sandhills Hank
           Spider's He Will X Close Count)                          (Deacon's Dude X CC Barb Doll)

My Morgans.
Cari my Morgan                                                                    
Miview Sweet Carolyn                                                                         Badlands Moonshadow
(Miview Rain Dancer X Pixie Belle)                                                  (Triple S Bald Eagle X Badlands Shadow)

What is a Paso Fino?    L K Ranch horses.     Horses for sale.     2003 foals.

Horses at Stud.

Stud fees for all stallions is $350 free mare care.
PFHA #25277
June 1995
El Saltador LK by Ingenio(Representante Capuchino X Peiueta Sin Par) and out of Bambina del Paraiso(Bambi de Cerezo X Laguna)

American Creme and white Assoc, THA, others pending.

Fiesta Sazon Prince Charming By Fiesta Sazon Coral de Vez(Coral de Vez X Novita) and out of Idaho Plaudit(Prince Dominic X Snowball Misty)

ApHC, ICAA, THR, plus others.

April 1999
Sandhills Hank by Deakons Dude(Ceacon's Bonanza X C.R. Robin Twist)  and out of CC Barb Doll(CEH Mighty Darro X Miss Barb Leo).

SunnySunny 2
 July 2000
Sonar Mancha Solar LK by Ultralisto de Dakota (Ultra Estaban X Realita del Prairie) out of Corita de Vez (Corito X Muneca China de Vez).

What is a Paso Fino?    L K Ranch horses.     Horses for sale.     2003 foals.

For Sale
Paso Fino
El Saltador LK
(Ingenio X Bambina del Paraiso)
#25,277      June of 1995

Jumper is a solid dun stallion. Friendly and easy to handle. Loads and hauls well. Carries tack but not yet ridden. Produced bay colt by chestnut, dun colt by chestnut, red dun filly by chestnut and grulla colt by brown/gray. Hand or pasture breeds.

Coda de Chico
(GR Chico Magnifico X Gloria de Dakota)
# Pending    May of 2002

Coda is a bay colt with star, strip, snip and three socks. Halter broke.

Tiger Horse

Spiders Star X El Saltador LK
Gloria de Dakota X Fiesta Sazons Prince Charming
Corista RoJa de Dakota X Fiesta Sazons Prince Charming
Sheena X Fiesta Sazons Prince Charming
Corita X Fiesta Sazons Prince Charming
Moniet X El Saltador LK
Sully Tico Coaldrift X Taylors Million
Judy X Taylors Million
Jokers Crystal Light X Taylors Million
Equally Spotted X Taylors Million
Bright Blue Lady Sue X Taylors Million

The names in Lavender will be Tiger Horse foals.
The names in Green will be Appaloosa foals.
The names in Black will be grade foals.
Prices start at $1000

Grade Horse

(QH/Fjord X Jokers Crystal Light)
June of 2002

Nele is a sorral filly with a star and white hooves. Frendly and halter broke. Will be around 14 hands.

What is a Paso Fino?    L K Ranch horses.     Horses for sale.     2003 foals.

L K Ranch
9505 86th Ave NW
Lignite ND 58752