Powers Lake School Staff

Home Page

Mrs. Grubb Kindergarten
Mrs. Faul 1st and 2nd Grade
Mrs.  Christenson 3rd and 4th Grade
Mrs.  Ledene Principal, 5th , 6th Grade 
Mrs.  Wisthoff Special Education Resource Room & Elementary 
Mr. Atwood Science
Mrs. Gunderson Music
Mr.  Dosch Vocational Agriculture
Mr.  Faul Math & Computer Science
Mrs.  Dihle Math and Psychology
Mrs. Nordloef Library and English
Mr.  Wisthoff Social Studies & Physical Education
Mrs.  Van Berkom Title I, 6th Reading & Elementary Phy. Ed.
Mrs. Atwood Title I & 6th Science
Mrs. Thompson Special Education Resource Room
Mrs. Enget Special Education Aide
Miss Anne Lucy Special Education Aide
Ladelle Lucy Business Manager
Ms. Colleen Leary Special Education Aide
Mr. Albertson Principal & Science
Mr. Miller Superintendent