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NCC will install free, waive activation, provide the modem free, resulting in "nothing up front" when you subscribe to NCC's wireless Internet service with a two- year committment.  Monthly costs are:  $69.95 - 128k  $79.95 - 256k.  This offer is for residential service only!

Call us for details at 1-800-245-5884 - for Ryan or Vern.

Wireless Residential

128 kbps(kilobits per second)


Wireless Business/Res 256 256kbps


Wireless "Super-Link" 512

512 kpbs


Non-recurring charge on all plans above


Business with multiple Computers add


Purchase Modem



Lease a Modem Per month


Change plan charge


Network reconfiguration charge


E-mail Accounts Per month



Installation is on a time-and-material basis with a $25.00 premise visit charge and $15.00 every 15 minutes after the first 15 minutes on-site.